Anti Death Penalty Arguments

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Anti Death Penalty Arguments

The law states that only sane murderers can be executed but if you’re a murderer, are you really sane?

Denies our basic right:

...According to Humans Right Association the death penalty denies us the fundamental value of the right to life. Criminals are real people who have life and with it the capacity to feel pain, fear and the loss of their loved ones as well as all the emotions we are capable of feeling. There are seven types of capital punishment; firing squad, electric chair, poisonous gas, lethal injection, stoning and guillotine, all of which are inhumane. [Return to home page]

The possibility of errors:

...There is no possible way of compensating individuals for the miscarriage of justice when an innocent person is put to death. We cannot say with certainty that the police, the courts and they system can generally be trusted to get every sentencing right, with history proving this point. Later investigations have proved the innocence of those put to death and in USA since 1973 for every 4 executions there has been 1 proven innocent and of all the cases reviewed 80% were removed from death row. There are many risks taken in society which innocent lives can be lost. We build bridges, knowing that some workers may be killed during construction but we take many precautions to reduce the number of fatalities. Wrongful executions are a preventable risk. [Return to home page]          

Advancements in technology:

...Current evidence can be disproved with new advancements in science and technology. Advancements are being made rapidly and as in the early 1990’s progress can make our currently accepted methods seem out-dated and no longer viable. DNA advancements in the early 1990’s proved many death row inmates innocent and if these methods had not been discovered until later on many more innocent victims would have been put to death. [Return to home page]     

Unfair judgement:

…The mentally ill, poor and those belonging to minorities form a large number of death penalty victims, mainly due to being able to only afford low cost lawyers which results in relying on lawyers assigned by the state. These lawyers are often underpaid and fail to investigate the case properly or who lack experience. Prejudice and bias often lead to these groups being the target of the death penalty as a case is made of them and the reliance on witness statements gives an enormous amount of trust to people who may lie. The death penalty does not single out the worst offenders but rather factors such as the quality of the defence counsel, the country in which the crime was committed, economics, demographic or race characteristics of the defendant or the victim sway the decision made and until these factors are completely eliminated the death penalty must not be used. [Return to home page]

Lack of deterrence:

…The purpose of the death penalty is to deter people from repeating criminal acts but it has been shown that it does not achieve this. In the past 20 years in the USA it has been shown that states with the death penalty have 48% homicide rates compared to states which do not have the death penalty with 23%. America also has more murders than Europe or Canada, countries that do not have the death penalty. Certain criminals will not be deterred such as those who are psychopaths or of dubious sanity or those that act in the heat of the moment with no thought to consequences. Those committing murder do not expect to get caught or do not carefully weigh the difference between a possible execution and life in prison before they act. The death penalty is no more of deterrence than a life sentence and it brutalises society to the point where it can even increase the chance of murder. [Return to home page]

Prolonged uncertainty:

…The whole process can be seen as a form of torture as the cruel process can take an average of 10 years. Delays, appeals, retrials and technicalities fill the time between day one and ultimately the conclusion of the death penalty. This process can cause strain on not only the system but also the family and friends of the accused as well as the victim and not to mention the stress endured by the defendant. How would you feel if you knew your life was in the hands of strangers? [Return to home page]

Mitigating situations:

...To those who have suffered emotional trauma, abandonment, violence, neglect or living in a destructive social environment it is to some extent the community’s responsibility to show sympathy to these people living in situation that can have devastating effects on someone’s humanity. It is unfair to fully hold these people responsible for their crimes and we need to consider the fact that we are all capable of murder and whether we’re more at risk of being murdered or being executed for murder. [Return to home page]

An effect on loved ones:

…The family and friends of the accused are permanently traumatised as they are punished with the loss of their loved one even though they are innocent. It is difficult enough for loved ones to come to terms with the fact that not only may the accused be guilty but also that they may be put to death. Not only is the suffering of the defendant’s family valid but the victim’s family are put through an extended procedure that hinders the grieving process. [Return to home page] 

An effect on society:

…The death penalty itself is a premeditated murder which lowers the value of life. It can cause a society’s attitude to become tainted and brutal as mental makeup can believe that violence is necessary to curb wrongdoings. Not only is society in general affected but also those directly involved with the process, such as juries, who can gain devastating mental scars and attitudes. Most states have life without parole therefore prisoners can never be released and the safety of the society can be assured. [Return to home page] 

It is not humane: 

…There is no humane method of putting someone to death as every form of execution causes the prisoner suffering, including the mental suffering leading up to the execution. It removes the individual’s humanity and with it any chance of rehabilitation and their giving something back to society. [Return to home page] 

Emotional response:

…Although our first instinct may be to inflict immediate pain on someone who wrongs us, the standards of a mature society demands a more measured response. The emotional impulse for revenge is not a sufficient justification for creating a system of capital punishment. As a society we should have a complete respect for life that is demonstrated through laws and the criminal justice system that leads us to higher principles. Revenge only achieves an extended chain of violence that creates a brutal and unforgiving society and vengeance is a strong and natural emotion that has no place in a justice system. Retribution does not protect society but rather is a way to vent our anger which cannot reverse the original act or heal the pain but instead it legitimizes our own murderous impulses and perpetuates violence in society. We are all flawed human beings so mercy not retribution is appropriate.
“He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone” [Return to home page]

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